Discomforting territories: images, narratives and objects of the Global South


PROBRAL – PROJETOS DE COOPERAÇÃO EM PESQUISA ENTRE O BRASIL E A ALEMANHA – CAPES/DAAD. The project addresses research issues linked to ongoing academic discussions of a particular relevance to understanding the consequences of globalized world order for societies in the Global South that are marked by economic and political asymmetries as well as the longue durée of postcolonial legacies. It also constitutes a relevant contribution to the reflection on the challenge that Global South Studies represent for the geopolitics of knowledge inscribed in the global field of knowledge production. This project intends to explore Global South epistemologies and cultural and social expressions through a dialogue between textual, image and music studies and ethnographic research. Discomforting cultural and social expressions serve as a reflexive analytical tool of epistemic disobedience (Mignolo, 2009) that confronts fixed binaries of traditional European epistemological tradition opening to other and alternative modes of existence. At the same time, the central notion of discomforting territories refers to the question of globalized territorialities being charted by overlapping affective, cognitive, and practical approaches and constituted by what Mbembe has identified as “temporalities of entanglement” (2001). The aim of this project is to produce a dialogue between images, texts and objects ? ?discomforting territories? ? as places of cultural, political, artistic expressions in different social movements, politics of recognition, transnational identity belongings, and rearrangements of contemporary historical narratives. Discomfort is a provocative line of thought to develop de-centered epistemologies and think North/South relations from new epistemological horizons (Santos, 2002) articulating researches that bring to the foreground Latin American, Diasporical, Amerindian, and Afro-Brazilian knowledge traditions and the productive frictions they produce in hegemonic perspectives. The project intends to frame different dimensions of the production, exhibition and circulation of images, texts and objects that express ?discomforting territories?, ?borders? and the different social-cultural arrangements, subjectivities and temporality regimes they operate. The aim is to investigate how certain events, images (films, photographs), texts, social networks, music, bodies, practices and objects produce discomfort, friction and unwanted temporalities conceived of as invisible pasts and futures that embody important social political configurations, conflicts, resistances and modes of existence.


Em andamento (2019-atual)



Alunos envolvidos

Graduação: (3) / Mestrado acadêmico: (3) / Doutorado: (5)


Renata de Sá Gonçalves – Integrante / Simone Pondé Vassallo – Integrante / Felipe Trotta – Integrante / Sebastian Thies – Integrante / Fernando Antônio Resende – Coordenador.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – Cooperação / Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – Cooperação.

Número de produções C, T & A



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